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Why I Recommend Global Outsource And Offshore Professional Training (GOOPro)

By: Emmanuel Ampadu Akrasi.    

Global outsource and offshore professional training (GOOPro) best known as GOOPro Training was officially launched in 2022 by Martin Laster, President of LABUSA; an IT Consulting firm based in the United States of America. The training distinguishes individuals as leaders in global offshore outsourcing. It sets out to promote a practice where all parties to an outsourcing relationship have a commonly shared knowledge, approach, and commitment to success.  

The GOOPro Training program consists of three levels. The GOOPro Core, Max, and Forte. The GOOPro Core is the first-level training that introduces participants to the outsourcing journey; to learn, know and discover themselves to excel in offshore outsourcing. GOOPro Max is the next-level training that builds individuals with little experience in the outsourcing space to become more strategic in enhancing their capabilities and expanding themselves for greater roles as outsourced workers. This training level does not focus only on individuals but also incorporates businesses that wish to extend their services to the outsourcing space. The final level of the training program is GOOPro Forte. This is where individuals and businesses with experience in the outsourcing arena are shaped to gain leadership.   

Albeit, this article is being narrowed to the first-level training; GOOPro Core. It is designed to run for ten weeks, covering five modules and four projects. One is engaged to identify his/her potential thus; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and goals, all of which help in building one’s career from a personal development perspective. The other area of focus is on functional resume development, designing a capability statement, and equipping oneself with the techniques and strategies to excel in the outsourcing space. It doesn’t end there, it continues with four intense projects to further practicalize everything learned for a deeper understanding of the modules.  

Mr. Martin Laster is the primary instructor for the program, his love, and dedication to the program are evident in how he relates with participants. He is disciplined and punctual, setting aside ample time to attend to students’ questions and concerns. Every week engages the participants with practical worksheets where everyday life activities are transformed to cushion one into building his/her career goals and roles.  

I am a product of GOOPro training, and everything about the program does not come from just being enrolled, but getting a positive turn on your career path for excellence.  The GOOPro training program has emphasized the nature and relevance of offshore outsourcing in addition to helping me realize my potential and the best ways to develop myself for job efficiency and effectiveness.   

I, therefore, encourage all to enroll in the training program to build themselves for excellence as well as gain offshore jobs to help reduce the high unemployment rate in Africa and to catch up with the global advancement in technology.