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Outsourcing Global recruitment HR concept on virtual screen.


Offshore outsourcing is a business practice in which a company hires a third party to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company. In current times, outsourcing is not just confined to call centers. In order to save expenses and concentrate on their main business operations, companies increasingly outsource their IT, finance, and HR responsibilities. Offshore outsourcing comes with a lot of benefits both to the workers or third parties and the company. On the side of the workers, the flexibility of outsourcing allows workers to enjoy their schedules as they get the ability to work around their lifestyles and save money on transportation, clothing, and footwear. Increases productivity since employees is more focused on their assigned tasks due to fewer distractions. Whereas, companies turn to cutting costs because it significantly lowers operational expenses. Businesses opt to outsource some jobs in order to save the cost of paying high overhead expenses such as; additional salaries, extra benefits, and training. Companies are able to boost their efficiency since they concentrate on their core skills and delegate work to those who are more qualified for such tasks.  


Most businesses that outsource have access to highly qualified personnel and specialized knowledge in fields that may not be available internally. Since outsourcing is the fastest approach to ramp up operations, when necessary, it turns out to be flexible on the company's side when it comes to scaling up or down its operations. Outsourcing helps businesses increase focus by releasing resources and enabling employees to concentrate on tasks that require the most attention which will ultimately boost overall performance. Traditionally, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East have been the top outsourcing locations. Now that these areas' economies are expanding and their populations are aging, labor in these areas is more expensive and less desirable to businesses searching for remote workers who can work efficiently. With its enormous population of educated unemployed and underemployed people, Africa is quickly becoming the preferred location to find offshore employees.  


In Africa, several different languages are used. In nations like Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and Botswana, English is frequently spoken as a first language, whereas French is spoken by Senegalese, Moroccans, Cameroon, and others. Portuguese is a language that is widely spoken in Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, etc.  As a result, many Africans find it simple to interact at a local level with clients and customers around the world. As a result, Africans are deemed suitable for the global offshore outsourcing world, but GOOPro training will provide us with the necessary skills to work effectively with offshore outsourcing companies. 


Global Outsource and Offshore Professional Training (GOOPro) best known as GOOPro Training was designed by Martin Laster, President of LABUSA; an IT Consulting firm based in the United States of America. The Global Outsource and Offshore Professional (GOOPro) Training certification is designed to distinguish individuals as leaders in the field of global offshore outsourcing.  The training promotes a practice where all parties to an outsourcing relationship have a commonly shared knowledge, approach, and commitment to success. The course equips individuals with the skills needed to address the need for outsourced consulting services. 


This training program is intended for everyone because it provides individuals with the skills required to meet the demand for outsourced
consulting services. An individual or company representative with skills and services that can be brought to the global space can benefit from this training, which shapes, trains and provides these individuals with the necessary tools and techniques to excel in global offshore outsourcing.


The process of enrolling in the GOOPro training program is simple and straightforward. One must first send a mail of interest or submit his or her details on a registration form available for the training program cohort. After, all details submitted in the registration form for enrollment will be screened and selected. Successful applicants will receive an acceptance offer which requires a response within 10 working days of receipt. All responses accepting the training offer in the email will receive their training agreement contract for signing. Lastly, the training agreement contract should be signed and emailed to for filing in the participants’ names. An invoice for the registration fee will then be issued for the payment to enroll applicants in the training program. Only applicants with signed contracts and paid registration will be enrolled.    


The GOOPro Training program consists of three levels. The GOOPro Core, Max, and Forte. The GOOPro Core is the first-level training that introduces participants to the outsourcing journey; to learn, know and discover themselves to excel in offshore outsourcing. This Winter training is from February to April, consisting of ten (10) weeks of five (5) study modules and four (4) working projects and it targets College graduates or individuals with two (2) years of work experience. GOOPro Max is the next-level training that builds individuals with little experience in the outsourcing space to become more strategic in enhancing their capabilities and expanding themselves for greater roles as outsourced workers. This training level does not focus only on individuals but also incorporates businesses that wish to extend their services to the outsourcing space. This distinctive Spring training ranges from May to July comprising ten (10) weeks of seven (7) modules and three (3) projects for certification. To be eligible for this, an individual must have completed GOOPro Core with at least one year of experience in offshore outsourcing. The final level of the training program is GOOPro Forte. This is the final training level of the GOOPro training, the peak of the program where individual participants and businesses with experience in the outsourcing space are shaped to further brand themselves and increase their exposure for networking and demonstrate customer success value. This also ranges from October to December, consisting of ten (10) modules and two (2) projects. This is for graduates of GOOPro max training.  


After completing the first level of training known as GOOPro core, graduates are awarded certificates of completion and given opportunity to work with clients in outsourcing so that they can build their skills and gain experience in their professional fields. The second training which is GOOPro max is for individuals with experience in outsourcing. The training aims to make the participants increase their exposure to outsourcing, develop and progress toward their outsourcing goals. The third and final training level which is GOOPro Forte is for individuals with experience in outsourcing. The participants are trained to build and expand their network globally. After completing all three training programs, participants gain a broad range of relevant outsourcing skills and Knowledge which enables them to build their brand globally.   


Some learning outcomes for GOOPro include it helps participants align career goals and client needs as well as identifying jobs that fit your goals. GOOPro helps individuals to prepare for the job market by teaching how to create functional resumés, capability statements and also how to market themselves to prospective employers. Participants are taught the art of reliability, dependability, and credibility, developing transferable skills and building themselves as independent thinkers and thought leaders. 


Mr. Martin Laster is the primary instructor for the program, his love, and dedication to the program are evident in how he relates with participants. He is disciplined and punctual, setting aside ample time to attend to students’ questions and concerns. Every week engages the participants with practical worksheets where everyday life activities are transformed to cushion one into building his/her career goals and roles.