Enroll in an exclusive opportunity with GOOPro Max, which is uniting professionals worldwide. Explore cutting-edge techniques and insights to excel in interviews and craft exceptional resumes. Benefit from expert guidance, interactive sessions, and comprehensive knowledge tailored to enhance interpersonal abilities for offshore outsourcing, fostering a purpose-driven career in this specialized field.
4 Weeks Instructor - led Online
(12 Days 1-hour Live Sessions + 4 Days Project Work)
Nov 4 - 26, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:00 AM CST
(Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
$50 Registration + $1750 Tuition
GOOPro Max is designed to elevate interpersonal abilities, with a specialized focus on mastering win-win negotiations and cultural diversity literacy. Our comprehensive approach extends to developing robust relationships, inspiring trust, fostering teamwork, promoting collaboration, and championing inclusiveness. Additionally, delves into establishing a good outsourcing strategy and ensuring value delivery.
Resume Building and Negotiations
Developing Relationships and Inspiring Trust
Teamwork, Collaboration, and Inclusiveness
Interviewing and Delivering Value